For Individuals

Create a Profile
to Discover

Build your career profiles with GetBoarded. It works not just on the knowledge, but also on personality-based transferable skills in today’s ever-changing career and jobs landscape.
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For Organizations

Create an Organization

Create personalized career journeys for talent development. Simply put, you can use GetBoarded to take people from Point A in their career, to Point B, while providing necessary resources on the journey.

For Everyone

Skill Profiles

Skill and competency discovery is the underlying foundation of your career. Create a beautiful profile enriched with your career skills and personality attributes that define a professional persona.

Talent Boards

Your boards are the talent cohorts where activities happen. Activities could be career development, team building, or even your first on-boarding to the company culture, everything happens together with your peers on the boards.

Power Apps

Apps can be added to boards to enable some particular action. Simple applications like Notes, Messages, Calendars, or complicated ones like Career Prediction, Learning Experience ManagerAlex, add features to the board, enhancing it to do more.

Analytic Reports

Intuitive analytics for the boards that help with in-company talent insights. Enable people with a measurable career growth. Chart out career trajectories, find talent fitment, and create succession plans for people with a data driven approach.



Managed Self-Discovery with Personality Feedback for Every Individual

Build an infographic resume that showcases not just your skills but also your personality. Scientifically created and statistically proven personality models to discover your hidden strengths and blind spots in your competency report.

Personalized Career Mapping with Career Tools for Organizational Employees

Take personalized career journeys that are curated based on individual preferences and chart out succession plans. Career apps for learning and development, team dynamics, coaching and mentoring, self-discovery and more.



Try it, and if you find it useful, add it to your toolbox. To keep career development simple, we offer a set of apps developed by contributors that leverage other infrastructure wherever possible. Our app marketplace helps you experiment with many ‘new work’ concepts. With a pay-as-you-go model, you can run pilots with small teams before deciding organization wide strategies.