Talent Management with Adaptive Solutions

Learn how technology is revolutionizing talent management through advanced ability testing, enabling managers to develop game-changing individuals who can spearhead a business’s future.


Creating Multiple Perspectives

Talent development uses limited benchmarks that narrow an HR manager’s perspective on performance data. They struggle to grasp an individual’s trait over their contenders without a broader perspective on their capabilities. A cultural snapshot questionnaire utilizes external and internal benchmarkers to drill into employee attributes and skill sets using a spider graph form.

Demonstrating empathy in the workplace

Rob Volpe is a marketing expert and an empathy advocate who specializes in helping companies create more empathy at work and improve communication


What is an Adaptive Learning Experience?

ALEX is an Adaptive Learning Experience bot with algorithms that initiates learning recommendations based on your current development needs assessed by you and your peers. Once initial benchmark is in place the algorithm evolves with recursive feedback mechanisms. It allows the learner to customize their own learning habits, and providing an effective and engaging experience using Microlearning content.

By using a personalization and hyper-personalization approach to one-to-one Distributed Development in a digital-first environment. Our adaptive learning models allow for efficient scale to whole of the organization while catering to each individual need.


How does it work?

You create an Organization account with GetBoarded

Hyper-Personalization based on user preferences and additional data inputs.

Learner access

HR access


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Select Category
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Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

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Date & Time(UTC)
Time Slot
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Basic Details

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Your appointment booking summary

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{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_email }}
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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
There is no payment method available.
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